“Dance for the jazzfloor”

ZOiD was one of the founders of Diatribe Records, which grew to become Ireland’s largest record label for contemporary music.
He started Zoitrax to release his own work.
In 2022 Zoitrax released the album ZONGS on CD and digital, featuring 8 tracks, each with a different female Irish vocalist.
In 2023 the album Internal Space Element came out on CD, a special single pressing double 12” dubplate, and digital formats. It was recorded with help from a MISP Songwriting Camp grant from FMC. It featured a String Quartet with members of the Crash Ensemble (Cora Venus Lunny and Ailbhe McDonagh), and 4 different vocalists: Meljoann, Inni-K, Suzanne Savage and Miriam Ingram.
Also in 2023 Zoitrax released the first albums by another artist, Mexican-American electronic music producer Caleb Peinado. His debut album “Music for eSports” was well received and got multiple plays on RTE RnaG’s show An Taobh Tuathail.
In 2024 the label plan to release more artists as well as ZOiD’s next album “ZOiD Vs Musicians… Vol 2”.
They also do a series of live events called Listening Sessions at The Big Romance, featuring Irish electronic artists playing their own music and answering questions from the audience.
Links: https://zoitrax.bandcamp.com https://instagram.com/zoitrax
Let the funky robot burn tasty lines like Lenny Tristano playing over a Jeff Mills track!
zoitrax music can be found here: http://zoitrax.bandcamp.com